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In 2014…

Sam partnered with his longtime friend Phil Ebiner to create their first course for Udemy. Since then, they have made numerous courses with nearly 1 million students worldwide.

They continue to create new courses and manage an exclusive online community of over 80,000 students.



Shimizu-Jones Taking a Photograph for the Exciting Masterclass

Photography Masterclass

Join over 300,000 students and over 25 hours of course content in one of the best online professional photography classes.

Shimizu-Jones Taking a Video in Beautiful Landscape

Advanced Videography

Learn creative ways to improve the way your videos look! Better Cinematography, Videography and Video Production.

Shimizu-Jones Video graphing at a Bootcamp

Video Production Bootcamp

Make better videos with the ultimate course on video production, planning, cinematography, editing & distribution.

Shimizu-Jones' Photography Lighting for Portraits

Photography Lighting: Professionally Light Your Photos

Improve Your Photography with Artificial Lighting: Flash Photography, Strobes, Portrait Lighting & More

Mobile & iPhone Photography with Shimizu-Jones

Mobile & iPhone Photography

Take Amazing & Professional Photos on Your iPhone or Mobile Phone w/our Mobile Photography + iPhone Photography Course

Shimizu-Jones' Wedding Photography of a Couple

Wedding Photography: Complete Guide to Wedding Photography

Learn exactly how to become a wedding photographer, start a photo business of your own, and shoot better wedding photos.

A Journey of self-discovery with Shimizu-Jones' Journaling Course

Journaling for Self Discovery

A self-guided journey into a deeper relationship with yourself. Journaling for self discovery brings your story to life and allows you to reflect, learn, and live a happier, healthier and more purposeful life.

